... prá ser presente de Natal. Humpf! Simplesmente não tem em nenhuma livraria de Caixinhas do Sul. Assim sendo, demora tanto prá vir, que provavelmente será presente de Páscoa... Nhé!
..."...Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer had a wonderful way of working together. And some of the time you would say it was luck and some of the time you would say it was weather. They'd go through the house like a hurricane and no sober person could take his oath. Was it Mungojerrie or Rumpelteazer? Or could you have sworn that it mightn't be both? When you heard a dining room smash or up from the pantry there came a loud crash, Or down from the library came a loud ping From a vase which was commonly said to be ming. Then the family would say: "Now Which was which cat? It was Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer and there's nothing at all to be done about that!"
Ele não quer uma casa, quer uma família
No dia seguinte à invasão do estúdio, Leo arrumou uma almofadinha para
Intrú compartilhar a mesa de trabalho no conforto dos sultões. Sempre que
se vê sozi...
Há um dia
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